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General >> General Discussions >> Flower Mound's new Town Manager - Jimmy Stathatos

Message started by Richter on Jan 25th, 2013 at 9:03am

Title: Flower Mound's new Town Manager - Jimmy Stathatos
Post by Richter on Jan 25th, 2013 at 9:03am
Flower Mound named the replaced for Town Manager, scooping Jimmy Stathatos from neighboring Roanoke.

Stathatos had been the city manager at Roanoke since he was 25 years old, serving before that as a congressional page in Washington DC.

Currently 39 years old, he was responsible for over 3700 new jobs and almost $1 billion dollars in new development projects for Roanoke, including GM and Citigroup. 

So it looks like Flower Mound's eyes are finally on growth.

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